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How to buy an Investment Property

Step by Step Guide on How to Buy a Property Investment

It's no secret that buying an investment property is a popular strategy for growing wealth and improving financial security in Australia. Even in today's uncertain economy, property values on average double every eight to 12 years.Investment property
But, property investment is not just about rental income and tax deductions although, sure, they are important factors covered in this eBook. It's also about giving consideration to your long term financial goals. Firstly, you need to decide whether you're seeking cash flow or capital growth. Because the decisions you make now will shape your lifestyle and financial future for years to come.Then it's important to understand your end-to-end financial position and your borrowing capacity.
The level of research you conduct prior to buying your investment property can also have a major impact on your returns. And finally, when financing your investment property, you need a lending strategy that is tailored for you. Because everyone's finance path is different.So, to make a smart money management decision helping to ensure your property investment delivers positive returns follow this step-by-step guide on how to the buy an investment property.
Here's more of what this eBook covers:

  • Planning your investment
  • Determining your buying strategy
  • Researching the market
  • Understanding your tax position
  • Unlocking equity for investment
  • Financing your investment with a Mortgage Adviser
  • Negotiating with agents
  • Finding and keeping good tenants

How to Buy an Investment Property



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