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Posted in credit score

Why was my home loan application rejected?

Posted by Chris Collard on 23 September 2024
Why was my home loan application rejected?
Applying for a home loan can be exciting but also stressful. While pre-approval can feel like a significant step toward homeownership, it’s important to know that pre-approval is not a guarantee.There are still several reasons why your home loan application might be rejected after getting pre-approval. Understanding these reasons can help you avoid surprises and plan ahead.Take the time to review your finances, stay on top of any changes, and consult with us about potential pitfalls.BO...
Posted in:Home loansInterest ratescredit scorerejectedcommon reasons  

Credit report 101: A beginner's guide

Posted by Mark Attard on 22 June 2023
Credit report 101: A beginner's guide
Have you ever wondered how lenders decide whether to grant you that desired home loan? Your credit report holds significant importance in their decision-making process. Think of it as your financial report card, showcasing your payment habits and borrowing history. Discover what you need to know about credit reports and why your credit score plays a vital role in your journey toward homeownership. What is a credit report and why is it important? A credit report summarises your credit behav...
Posted in:Home loanscredit scorecredit report